170+ Cute Greek Twin Boy and Girl Names with Meanings

Double the trouble, double the fun…and double the name-picking challenge! Congratulations on your twins! Naming just one baby is tricky enough, but two? It’s a whole new challenge!
But don’t worry, our guide to Greek twin names has your back. Whether you like rhyming names, shared meanings, or names that start with the same letter, we’ve got tons of options for you. And if you prefer short and sweet names, we’ve got plenty of those too! Let’s find the perfect names for your little duo together!
Table of Contents
Greek Twin Boy and Girl Names that Rhyme

- Apollo (AH-puh-loh) and Aiko (AY-koh)
- Apollo (Απόλλων): Defender of mankind (Boy)
- Aiko (Αϊκο): Beloved child (Girl)
- Apollo (AH-puh-loh) and Calypso (kuh-LIP-soh)
- Apollo (Απόλλων): Defender of mankind (Boy)
- Calypso (Καλυψώ): Name of a nymph in Greek mythology (Girl)
- Ares (AIR-eez) and Eris (AIR-is)
- Ares (Αρης): Greek god of war (Boy)
- Eris (Έρις): Goddess of discord (Girl)
- Christos (KREE-stohs) and Agathos (ah-GAH-thohs)
- Christos (Χρήστος): Follower of Christ (Boy)
- Agathos (Άγαθός): Good, kind (Girl)
- Dionysios (dee-oh-NEE-see-ohs) and Silenus (si-LEE-nuhs)
- Dionysios (Διονύσιος): Greek god of wine and revelry (Boy)
- Silenus (Σειληνός): Companion of Dionysus (Girl)
- Elias (ee-LYAHSS) and Thalia (THAH-lee-uh)
- Elias (Ηλίας): The Lord is my God (Boy)
- Thalia (Θάλεια): Blooming, flourishing (Girl)
- Eros (EH-rohs) and Alecto (uh-LEK-toh)
- Eros (Ἔρως): Greek god of love (Boy)
- Alecto (Ἀληκτώ): One of the Furies in Greek mythology (Girl)
- Georgios (yohr-YOHSS) and Helios (HEE-lee-ohs)
- Georgios (Γεώργιος): Farmer, earth-worker (Boy)
- Helios (Ἥλιος): Greek god of the sun (Girl)
- Hermes (HUR-meez) and Artemis (AHR-tuh-mis)
- Hermes (Ἑρμῆς): Messenger of the gods (Boy)
- Artemis (Ἄρτεμις): Greek goddess of hunting and wilderness (Girl)
- Hermes (HUR-meez) and Iris (EYE-ris)
- Hermes (Ἑρμῆς): Messenger of the gods (Boy)
- Iris (Ἶρις): Greek goddess of the rainbow (Girl)
- Leo (LEE-oh) and Cleo (KLEE-oh)
- Leo (Λέων): Lion (Boy)
- Cleo (Κλειώ): Glory (Girl)
- Nikolaos (nee-koh-LAH-ohs) and Angelos (AHN-gel-ohs)
- Nikolaos (Νικόλαος): Victory of the people (Boy)
- Angelos (Ἄγγελος): Messenger, angel (Girl)
- Paris (PAH-ris) and Artemis (AHR-tuh-mis)
- Paris (Πάρις): From Greek mythology, known for the Trojan War (Boy)
- Artemis (Ἄρτεμις): Greek goddess of hunting and wilderness (Girl)
- Perseus (PUR-see-uhs) and Thetis (THEE-tiss)
- Perseus (Περσεύς): Hero in Greek mythology, slayer of Medusa (Boy)
- Thetis (Θέτις): Sea goddess and mother of Achilles (Girl)
- Stavros (STAH-vrohs) and Calypso (kuh-LIP-soh)
- Stavros (Σταύρος): Cross (Boy)
- Calypso (Καλυψώ): Name of a nymph in Greek mythology (Girl)
- Thanos (THAH-nohs) and Athanasia (ah-thah-NAH-see-uh)
- Thanos (Θάνος): Immortal (Boy)
- Athanasia (Αθανασία): Immortality (Girl)
- Theodosios (thee-oh-DOH-see-ohs) and Eulalia (yoo-LAH-lee-uh)
- Theodosios (Θεοδόσιος): Gift of God (Boy)
- Eulalia (Ευλαλία): Sweet-speaking (Girl)
- Zephyros (ZEH-fee-rohs) and Chloris (KLOR-iss)
- Zephyros (Ζέφυρος): Greek god of the west wind (Boy)
- Chloris (Χλωρίς): Goddess of flowers, springtime (Girl)
- Zeus (ZOOS) and Eos (EE-ohs)
- Zeus (Ζεύς): King of the gods in Greek mythology (Boy)
- Eos (Ἠώς): Greek goddess of dawn (Girl)
Greek Twin Boy and Girl Names with the Same Letter

- Adonis (AH-do-nees) and Adonia (AH-do-nee-ah)
- Adonis (Άδωνις): Greek god of beauty and desire (Boy)
- Adonia (Αδωνία): Feminine form of Adonis, meaning “lord” or “ruler” (Girl)
- Agapitos (ah-gah-PEE-tos) and Agapita (ah-gah-PEE-tah)
- Agapitos (Αγαπητός): Beloved (Boy)
- Agapita (Αγαπητά): Beloved (Girl)
- Alexandros (ah-leh-KSAN-dros) and Alexandra (ah-leh-KSAN-drah)
- Alexandros (Αλέξανδρος): Defender of mankind (Boy)
- Alexandra (Αλεξάνδρα): Defender of mankind (Girl)
- Andreas (ahn-DRE-as) and Andrea (ahn-DRE-ah)
- Andreas (Ανδρέας): Manly (Boy)
- Andrea (Ανδρέα): Manly (Girl)
- Aristos (ah-REES-tos) and Arista (ah-REES-tah)
- Aristos (Άριστος): Best, excellent (Boy)
- Arista (Αριστα): Best, excellent (Girl)
- Christos (KHREE-stos) and Christa (KHREE-stah)
- Christos (Χρήστος): Follower of Christ (Boy)
- Christa (Χρήστα): Follower of Christ (Girl)
- Demetrios (deh-MEH-tree-os) and Demetria (deh-MEH-tree-ah)
- Demetrios (Δημήτριος): Devoted to Demeter (Boy)
- Demetria (Δημητρία): Devoted to Demeter (Girl)
- Dionysios (dee-oh-NEE-see-os) and Dionysia (dee-oh-NEE-see-ah)
- Dionysios (Διονύσιος): Dedicated to Dionysus (Boy)
- Dionysia (Διονυσία): Dedicated to Dionysus (Girl)
- Elias (eh-LEE-as) and Elia (EH-lee-ah)
- Elias (Ηλίας): The Lord is my God (Boy)
- Elia (Ηλία): Feminine form of Elias, meaning “the Lord is my God” (Girl)
- Evangelos (eh-vahn-GHE-lohs) and Evangelia (eh-vahn-GHE-lee-ah)
- Evangelos (Ευάγγελος): Messenger of good news (Boy)
- Evangelia (Ευαγγελία): Good news, gospel (Girl)
- Georgios (yohr-YOH-see-os) and Georgia (yohr-YOH-ah)
- Georgios (Γεώργιος): Farmer, earth-worker (Boy)
- Georgia (Γεωργία): Farmer, earth-worker (Girl)
- Haris (HAH-rees) and Harita (hah-REE-tah)
- Haris (Χάρης): Grace (Boy)
- Harita (Χαρίτα): Feminine form of Haris, meaning “grace” (Girl)
- Iason (yah-SOHN) and Iasoula (yah-SOO-lah)
- Iason (Ιάσων): Healer (Boy)
- Iasoula (Ιασούλα): Feminine form of Iason, meaning “healer” (Girl)
- Ioannis (yoh-AHN-nees) and Ioanna (yoh-AHN-nah)
- Ioannis (Ιωάννης): God is gracious (Boy)
- Ioanna (Ιωάννα): God is gracious (Girl)
- Konstantinos (kohn-stahn-TEE-nos) and Konstantina (kohn-stahn-TEE-nah)
- Konstantinos (Κωνσταντίνος): Constant, steadfast (Boy)
- Konstantina (Κωνσταντίνα): Constant, steadfast (Girl)
- Kyros (KEER-ohs) and Kyra (KEER-ah)
- Kyros (Κύρος): Supreme ruler (Boy)
- Kyra (Κυρά): Lady, ruler (Girl)
- Leon (LEH-on) and Leona (lee-OH-nah)
- Leon (Λέων): Lion (Boy)
- Leona (Λεόνα): Lioness (Girl)
- Leonidas (leh-on-EE-dahs) and Leonida (leh-on-EE-dah)
- Leonidas (Λεωνίδας): Lion-like (Boy)
- Leonida (Λεωνίδα): Feminine form of Leonidas, meaning “lion-like” (Girl)
- Lysandros (lee-SAHN-dros) and Lysandra (lee-SAHN-drah)
- Lysandros (Λυσάνδρος): Liberator (Boy)
- Lysandra (Λυσάνδρα): Liberator (Girl)
- Marcos (MAHR-kos) and Marika (mah-REE-kah)
- Marcos (Μάρκος): From the Roman god Mars (Boy)
- Marika (Μαρίκα): Variant of Maria, meaning “beloved” (Girl)
- Marios (MAHR-yos) and Maria (mah-REE-ah)
- Marios (Μάριος): Of the sea or sailor (Boy)
- Maria (Μαρία): Sea of bitterness or rebelliousness (Girl)
- Maximos (MAK-see-mos) and Maximi (mahk-SEE-mee)
- Maximos (Μάξιμος): Greatest (Boy)
- Maximi (Μαξίμη): Feminine form of Maximos, meaning “greatest” (Girl)
- Menelaos (meh-neh-LAH-os) and Menelaia (meh-neh-LAH-yah)
- Menelaos (Μενέλαος): From Greek mythology, King of Sparta (Boy)
- Menelaia (Μενέλαια): Feminine form of Menelaos, related to Helen of Troy (Girl)
- Nikolaos (nee-koh-LAH-os) and Nikolaia (nee-koh-LAH-yah)
- Nikolaos (Νικόλαος): Victory of the people (Boy)
- Nikolaia (Νικόλαια): Feminine form of Nikolaos, meaning “victory of the people” (Girl)
- Nikos (NEE-kohs) and Nike (NEE-keh)
- Nikos (Νίκος): Victory (Boy)
- Nike (Νίκη): Victory, goddess of victory (Girl)
- Odysseus (oh-DIS-ee-us) and Odyssa (oh-DIS-ah)
- Odysseus (Οδυσσεύς): From Greek mythology, the hero of Homer’s Odyssey (Boy)
- Odyssa (Οδύσσα): Feminine form of Odysseus, associated with the Odyssey (Girl)
- Orestis (oh-RES-tees) and Orestia (oh-RES-tee-ah)
- Orestis (Ορέστης): From Greek mythology, Orestes (Boy)
- Orestia (Ορεστία): Feminine form of Orestis, related to Orestes (Girl)
- Orpheus (OR-fee-us) and Orphea (OR-fee-ah)
- Orpheus (Ορφέας): From Greek mythology, Orpheus, a musician and poet (Boy)
- Orphea (Ορφέα): Feminine form of Orpheus, related to Orpheus (Girl)
- Panagiotis (pah-nah-YOH-teess) and Panagiota (pah-nah-GYOH-tah)
- Panagiotis (Παναγιώτης): All-holy (Boy)
- Panagiota (Παναγιώτα): All-holy (Girl)
- Panos (PAH-nos) and Pana (PAH-nah)
- Panos (Πάνος): Variant of Panagiotis, meaning “all-holy” (Boy)
- Pana (Πάνα): Short form of Panagiota, meaning “all-holy” (Girl)
- Paris (PAH-rees) and Parisa (pah-REE-sah)
- Paris (Πάρις): From Greek mythology, Paris (Boy)
- Parisa (Πάρισα): Feminine form of Paris, related to Paris (Girl)
- Perseus (PER-see-us) and Persephone (per-SEH-foh-nee)
- Perseus (Περσεύς): From Greek mythology, Perseus (Boy)
- Persephone (Περσεφόνη): From Greek mythology, Persephone (Girl)
- Petros (PEH-tros) and Petra (PEH-trah)
- Petros (Πέτρος): Rock (Boy)
- Petra (Πέτρα): Rock (Girl)
- Soterios (soh-TEH-ree-ohs) and Soteria (soh-TEH-ree-ah)
- Soterios (Σωτήριος): Savior (Boy)
- Soteria (Σωτηρία): Feminine form of Soterios, meaning “salvation” (Girl)
- Spiros (SPEER-ohs) and Spirota (SPEER-oh-tah)
- Spiros (Σπύρος): Variant of Spyridon, meaning “basket” or “spirit” (Boy)
- Spirota (Σπύροτα): Feminine form of Spiros, related to Spiros (Girl)
- Stavros (STAH-vros) and Stavra (STAH-vrah)
- Stavros (Σταύρος): Cross (Boy)
- Stavra (Σταύρα): Feminine form of Stavros, related to Stavros (Girl)
- Stefanos (STEH-fah-nos) and Stefania (steh-FAH-nee-ah)
- Stefanos (Στέφανος): Crown (Boy)
- Stefania (Στεφανία): Feminine form of Stefanos, meaning “crowned one” (Girl)
- Thanasis (thah-NAH-sees) and Thanasi (thah-NAH-see)
- Thanasis (Θανάσης): Immortal (Boy)
- Thanasi (Θανάση): Immortal (Girl)
- Thanos (TAH-nos) and Thana (TAH-nah)
- Thanos (Θάνος): Immortal (Boy)
- Thana (Θάνα): Immortal (Girl)
- Theo (THEE-oh) and Thea (THAY-ah)
- Theo (Θεός): God (Boy)
- Thea (Θεά): Goddess (Girl)
- Theodoros (theh-oh-DOH-ros) and Theodora (theh-oh-DOH-rah)
- Theodoros (Θεόδωρος): Gift of God (Boy)
- Theodora (Θεοδώρα): Feminine form of Theodoros, meaning “gift of God” (Girl)
- Theos (THEH-ohs) and Thea (THAY-ah)
- Theos (Θεός): God (Boy)
- Thea (Θεά): Goddess (Girl)
- Vasilios (vah-SEE-lee-ohs) and Vasiliki (vah-see-LEE-kee)
- Vasilios (Βασίλειος): Royal, kingly (Boy)
- Vasiliki (Βασιλική): Feminine form of Vasilios, meaning “royal” or “queenly” (Girl)
- Yiannis (yah-NEES) and Yianna (yah-NAH)
- Yiannis (Γιάννης): God is gracious (Boy)
- Yianna (Γιάννα): Feminine form of Yiannis, meaning “God is gracious” (Girl)
- Zephyros (ZEH-fee-ros) and Zephyra (ZEH-fee-rah)
- Zephyros (Ζέφυρος): West wind (Boy)
- Zephyra (Ζέφυρα): Feminine form of Zephyros, related to the west wind (Girl)
- Zorbas (ZOR-bahs) and Zorba (ZOR-bah)
- Zorbas (Ζορμπάς): Variant of George, meaning “farmer” (Boy)
- Zorba (Ζορμπά): Feminine form of Zorbas, related to Zorbas (Girl)
- Zoticos (ZOH-tee-kos) and Zotika (ZOH-tee-kah)
- Zoticos (Ζωτικός): From Greek ζωτικός meaning “lively” or “vital” (Boy)
- Zotika (Ζωτικά): Feminine form of Zoticos, related to Zoticos (Girl)
Greek Twin Boy and Girl Names with the Same Meaning

- Agapitos (ah-gah-PEE-tos) and Agape (ah-GAH-peh)
- Agapitos (Αγαπητός): Beloved (Boy)
- Agape (Αγάπη): Beloved (Girl)
- Alexandros (ah-leh-KHSAHN-dros) and Alessia (ah-LEH-syah)
- Alexandros (Αλέξανδρος): Defender of the people (Boy)
- Alessia (Αλεσία): Defender of the people (Girl)
- Alexios (ah-LEHK-see-ohs) and Alexandra (ah-leh-KSAHN-drah)
- Alexios (Αλέξιος): Defender of the people (Boy)
- Alexandra (Αλεξάνδρα): Defender of the people (Girl)
- Anargyros (ah-NAHR-gyah-ros) and Anargyra (ah-NAHR-gyah-rah)
- Anargyros (Ανάργυρος): Unblemished or without silver (Boy)
- Anargyra (Ανάργυρα): Unblemished or without silver (Girl)
- Andreas (ahn-DREH-ahs) and Andrea (ahn-DREH-ah)
- Andreas (Ανδρέας): Manly or brave (Boy)
- Andrea (Ανδρέα): Manly or brave (Girl)
- Andreas (ahn-DREH-ahs) and Anthea (AHN-thee-ah)
- Andreas (Ανδρέας): Manly or brave (Boy)
- Anthea (Ανθέα): Manly or brave (Girl)
- Apollo (ah-POH-loh) and Artemis (AHR-teh-mees)
- Apollo (Απόλλων): From Greek mythology, representing the sun (Boy)
- Artemis (Αρτεμις): From Greek mythology, representing the moon (Girl)
- Apollo (ah-POH-loh) and Daphne (DAHF-neh)
- Apollo (Απόλλων): From Greek mythology (Boy)
- Daphne (Δάφνη): From Greek mythology (Girl)
- Ares (AH-rehs) and Areti (ah-REH-tee)
- Ares (Αρης): From Greek mythology, the god of war (Boy)
- Areti (Αρετή): Courage or virtue (Girl)
- Aris (AH-rees) and Ariadne (ah-ree-AHD-nee)
- Aris (Άρης): Best or excellent (Boy)
- Ariadne (Αριάδνη): Best or excellent (Girl)
- Athanasios (ah-thah-NAH-see-ohs) and Athanasia (ah-thah-NAH-see-ah)
- Athanasios (Αθανάσιος): Immortal or eternal (Boy)
- Athanasia (Αθανασία): Immortal or eternal (Girl)
- Atlas (AT-lahs) and Atlanteia (at-lan-TAY-ah)
- Atlas (Άτλας): Related to the mythological figure Atlas (Boy)
- Atlanteia (Ατλαντεία): Related to the mythological figure Atlas (Girl)
- Christos (KHREE-stohs) and Christina (khree-STEE-nah)
- Christos (Χρήστος): Anointed or Christian (Boy)
- Christina (Χριστίνα): Anointed or Christian (Girl)
- Dimitrios (dee-MEE-tree-ohs) and Demetria (deh-MEE-tree-ah)
- Dimitrios (Δημήτριος): Devoted to Demeter (Boy)
- Demetria (Δημητρία): Devoted to Demeter (Girl)
- Dionysios (dee-oh-NEE-see-ohs) and Dionysia (dee-oh-NEE-see-ah)
- Dionysios (Διονύσιος): Related to Dionysus, the god of wine (Boy)
- Dionysia (Διονυσία): Related to Dionysus, the god of wine (Girl)
- Dionysios (dee-oh-NEE-see-ohs) and Thalia (THAH-lee-ah)
- Dionysios (Διονύσιος): Related to Dionysus, the god of wine and revelry (Boy)
- Thalia (Θάλεια): Related to Dionysus, the god of wine and revelry (Girl)
- Eleftherios (eh-lef-theh-REE-ohs) and Eleftheria (eh-lef-theh-REE-ah)
- Eleftherios (Ελευθέριος): Free or liberated (Boy)
- Eleftheria (Ελευθερία): Free or liberated (Girl)
- Ermis (EHR-meess) and Ermione (ehr-mee-OH-neh)
- Ermis (Ερμής): Related to Hermes in Greek mythology (Boy)
- Ermione (Ερμιόνη): Related to Hermes in Greek mythology (Girl)
- Eros (EH-rohs) and Erato (eh-RAH-toh)
- Eros (Έρως): Related to love or desire (Boy)
- Erato (Ερατώ): Related to love or desire (Girl)
- Evangelos (eh-vahn-GHEH-lohs) and Evangelia (eh-vahn-GHEH-lee-ah)
- Evangelos (Ευάγγελος): Bringer of good news (Boy)
- Evangelia (Ευαγγελία): Bringer of good news (Girl)
- Georgios (YOH-ree-gohs) and Georgia (YOH-ree-gah)
- Georgios (Γεώργιος): Farmer or earth worker (Boy)
- Georgia (Γεωργία): Farmer or earth worker (Girl)
- Hades (HAH-deez) and Persephone (per-SEF-uh-nee)
- Hades (Άδης): Related to Greek mythology, representing the underworld (Boy)
- Persephone (Περσεφόνη): Queen of the underworld in Greek mythology (Girl)
- Helios (HEH-lee-ohs) and Selene (seh-LEE-nee)
- Helios (Ήλιος): Related to Greek mythology, representing the sun (Boy)
- Selene (Σελήνη): Related to Greek mythology, representing the moon (Girl)
- Heracles (HEH-rah-kleez) and Hera (HEH-rah)
- Heracles (Ἡρακλῆς): Greek mythological figure, Hercules (Boy)
- Hera (Ἥρα): Greek goddess, wife of Zeus (Girl)
- Hermes (HEHR-meez) and Hermione (her-MY-oh-nee)
- Hermes (Ἑρμῆς): Greek god of travel, trade, and messenger of the gods (Boy)
- Hermione (Ἑρμιόνη): Greek mythological figure, daughter of Helen and Menelaus (Girl)
- Ilias (ee-LYAHs) and Ilia (EE-lee-ah)
- Ilias (Ἰλίας): The Lord is my God (Boy)
- Ilia (Ἰλία): The Lord is my God (Girl)
- Kleon (KLEE-on) and Kleio (KLEY-oh)
- Kleon (Κλέων): Glory or fame (Boy)
- Kleio (Κλειώ): Glory or fame (Girl)
- Kyriakos (kee-ree-AH-kohs) and Kyriaki (kee-ree-AH-kee)
- Kyriakos (Κυριάκος): Lord or ruler (Boy)
- Kyriaki (Κυριακή): Lord or ruler (Girl)
- Kyrillos (kee-REE-lohs) and Kyriaki (kee-ree-AH-kee)
- Kyrillos (Κύριλλος): Lord or ruler (Boy)
- Kyriaki (Κυριακή): Lord or ruler (Girl)
- Kyrios (KEE-ree-ohs) and Kyriaki (kee-ree-AH-kee)
- Kyrios (Κύριος): Lord or ruler (Boy)
- Kyriaki (Κυριακή): Lord or ruler (Girl)
- Kyros (KEER-ohs) and Kyra (KEE-rah)
- Kyros (Κύρος): Lord or ruler (Boy)
- Kyra (Κυρα): Lord or ruler (Girl)
- Leonidas (lee-oh-NEE-dahs) and Leo (LEE-oh)
- Leonidas (Λεωνίδας): Lion-like (Boy)
- Leo (Λέων): Lion-like (Girl)
- Leonidas (lee-oh-NEE-dahs) and Leona (lee-OH-nah)
- Leonidas (Λεωνίδας): Lion-like (Boy)
- Leona (Λεώνα): Lion-like (Girl)
- Makarios (mah-KAH-ree-ohs) and Makaria (mah-KAH-ree-ah)
- Makarios (Μακάριος): Blessed or happy (Boy)
- Makaria (Μακαρία): Blessed or happy (Girl)
- Nikitas (nee-KEE-tahs) and Nike (NEE-keh)
- Nikitas (Νικήτας): Victory (Boy)
- Nike (Νίκη): Victory (Girl)
- Nikos (NEE-kohs) and Nicole (nee-KOH-lee)
- Nikos (Νίκος): Victory (Boy)
- Nicole (Νικόλε): Victory (Girl)
- Orpheus (OR-fee-us) and Eurydice (yoo-RID-ih-see)
- Orpheus (Ορφεύς): Related to Greek mythology (Boy)
- Eurydice (Ευρυδίκη): Related to Greek mythology (Girl)
- Pan (PAHN) and Pania (PAH-nee-ah)
- Pan (Πάν): Related to Greek mythology (Boy)
- Pania (Πάνια): Related to Greek mythology (Girl)
- Panagiotis (pah-nah-YOH-tees) and Panagiota (pah-nah-YOH-tah)
- Panagiotis (Παναγιώτης): All-holy or completely dedicated (Boy)
- Panagiota (Παναγιώτα): All-holy or completely dedicated (Girl)
- Paris (PAH-rees) and Parisa (pah-REE-sah)
- Paris (Πάρις): From Paris (Boy)
- Parisa (Παρίσα): From Paris (Girl)
- Poseidon (poh-SYE-dahn) and Amphitrite (am-fi-TRY-tee)
- Poseidon (Ποσειδών): Related to Greek mythology, representing the sea (Boy)
- Amphitrite (Αμφιτρίτη): Related to Greek mythology, representing the sea (Girl)
- Soterios (soh-TEH-ree-ohs) and Soteria (soh-TEH-ree-ah)
- Soterios (Σωτήριος): Savior (Boy)
- Soteria (Σωτηρία): Savior (Girl)
- Stefanos (STEH-fah-nohs) and Stefania (steh-FAH-nee-ah)
- Stefanos (Στέφανος): Crown or crowned (Boy)
- Stefania (Στεφανία): Crown or crowned (Girl)
- Thanos (THAH-nos) and Thana (THAH-nah)
- Thanos (Θάνος): Immortal (Boy)
- Thana (Θάνα): Immortal (Girl)
- Theo (THEE-oh) and Thea (THAY-ah)
- Theo (Θεός): Godly or divine (Boy)
- Thea (Θεά): Godly or divine (Girl)
- Theodoros (theh-oh-THOH-rohs) and Theodosia (theh-oh-doh-SEE-ah)
- Theodoros (Θεόδωρος): Gift of God (Boy)
- Theodosia (Θεοδοσία): Gift of God (Girl)
- Theophilos (theh-OH-fee-lohs) and Theophilia (thee-oh-FEE-lee-ah)
- Theophilos (Θεόφιλος): Lover of God (Boy)
- Theophilia (Θεοφιλία): Lover of God (Girl)
- Zephyros (ZEH-fee-rohs) and Zephyra (zeh-FYE-rah)
- Zephyros (Ζέφυρος): West wind (Boy)
- Zephyra (Ζέφυρα): West wind (Girl)
- Zeus (ZYOOS) and Dione (dye-OH-nee)
- Zeus (Ζεύς): Related to Greek mythology (Boy)
- Dione (Διώνη): Related to Greek mythology (Girl)
Greek Twin Boy and Girl Names with the Same Theme

Flower Theme:
- Chrysanthos (KHREE-sahn-thohs) and Anthousa (ahn-THOO-sah)
- Chrysanthos (Χρυσάνθος): Golden flower (Boy)
- Anthousa (Άνθουσα): Blossoming (Girl)
- Leandros (LAY-ahn-drohs) and Rhodanthe (rho-DAHN-thee)
- Leandros (Λέανδρος): Lion-man (Boy)
- Rhodanthe (Ῥοδάνθη): Rose blossom (Girl)
- Narcissos (nar-KEES-ohs) and Daphne (DAHF-nee)
- Narcissos (Νάρκισσος): Narcissus flower (Boy)
- Daphne (Δάφνη): Laurel tree (Girl)
- Hyakinthos (hy-ah-KIN-thohs) and Euanthe (yoo-AHN-thee)
- Hyakinthos (Ὑάκινθος): Hyacinth flower (Boy)
- Euanthe (Ευάνθη): Blooming flower (Girl)
- Anthimos (AHN-thee-mohs) and Melia (MEH-lee-ah)
- Anthimos (Ἄνθιμος): Blossom (Boy)
- Melia (Μελία): Ash tree or honey (Girl)
Love Theme:
- Eros (EH-ros) and Thalia (THAH-lee-ah)
- Eros (Ἔρως): God of love (Boy)
- Thalia (Θάλεια): Blooming (Girl)
- Philo (FEE-loh) and Charis (KHA-ris)
- Philo (Φίλω): Affectionate (Boy)
- Charis (Χάρις): Grace (Girl)
- Theros (THAY-ros) and Eudora (yoo-DAWR-ah)
- Theros (Θερός): Summer (Boy)
- Eudora (Ευδώρα): Good gift (Girl)
- Agapios (ah-gah-pee-ohs) and Agape (AH-gah-peh)
- Agapios (Ἀγαπειος): Beloved (Boy)
- Agape (Ἀγάπη): Unconditional love (Girl)
- Eros (EH-ros) and Philomena (fee-lo-MEH-nah)
- Eros (Ἔρως): God of love (Boy)
- Philomena (Φιλομένα): Lover of strength (Girl)
Nature Theme:
- Orion (OH-ree-on) and Selene (seh-LEE-nee)
- Orion (Ὠρίων): Son of fire (Boy)
- Selene (Σελήνη): Moon (Girl)
- Kairos (KAY-rohs) and Gaia (GUY-ah)
- Kairos (Καιρός): Opportune moment (Boy)
- Gaia (Γαία): Earth (Girl)
- Atlas (AHT-lahs) and Calypso (kah-LIP-soh)
- Atlas (Ἄτλας): Bearer of the heavens (Boy)
- Calypso (Καλυψώ): She who conceals (Girl)
- Helios (HEE-lee-ohs) and Thalassa (thah-LAH-sah)
- Helios (Ἥλιος): Sun (Boy)
- Thalassa (Θάλασσα): Sea (Girl)
- Zephyros (ZEH-fee-ros) and Elara (eh-LAH-rah)
- Zephyros (Ζέφυρος): West wind (Boy)
- Elara (Ελάρα): Bright, shining (Girl)
Animal Theme:
- Leon (LEH-on) and Lyra (LEE-rah)
- Leon (Λέων): Lion (Boy)
- Lyra (Λύρα): Lyrebird (Girl)
Gift of God Theme:
- Theo (THEH-oh) and Dora (DOH-rah)
- Theo (Θεός): God (Boy)
- Dora (Δώρα): Gift (Girl)
- Eleni (eh-LEH-nee) and Theos (THEH-ohss)
- Eleni (Ελένη): Light (Girl)
- Theos (Θεός): God (Boy)
- Evangelos (ev-ahn-GHEH-lohs) and Elpis (EL-peez)
- Evangelos (Ευάγγελος): Messenger of good news (Boy)
- Elpis (Ελπίς): Hope (Girl)
Royal Theme:
- Alexander (ah-leh-KSAN-droh) and Helena (heh-LEH-nah)
- Alexander (Αλέξανδρος): Defender of mankind (Boy)
- Helena (Ελένη): Torch; bright one (Girl)
- Philippos (fee-LEE-pos) and Theodora (theh-oh-DOH-rah)
- Philippos (Φίλιππος): Lover of horses (Boy)
- Theodora (Θεοδώρα): Gift of God (Girl)
- Basileios (vah-see-LEH-ohs) and Anastasia (ah-nah-stah-SEE-ah)
- Basileios (Βασίλειος): Royal; kingly (Boy)
- Anastasia (Αναστασία): Resurrection (Girl)
Vintage Theme:
- Damianos (dah-MYAH-nohs) and Penelope (peh-neh-LOH-pee)
- Damianos (Δαμιανός): Tamer; subdue (Boy)
- Penelope (Πηνελόπη): Weaver (Girl)
- Evander (eh-VAN-dehr) and Thalia (THAH-lee-ah)
- Evander (Εύανδρος): Good man (Boy)
- Thalia (Θάλεια): Blooming (Girl)
- Xander (ZAN-dehr) and Calliope (kuh-LYE-oh-pee)
- Xander (Ξάνθος): Blond; yellow-haired (Boy)
- Calliope (Καλλιόπη): Beautiful voice (Girl)
Gemstone Theme:
- Jasper (JAS-pur) and Pearl (PUR-ul)
- Jasper (Γαΐος): Gemstone (Boy)
- Pearl (Μαργαρίτα): Precious gem (Girl)
- Onyx (AH-niks) and Ruby (ROO-bee)
- Onyx (Ονύξ): Black gemstone (Boy)
- Ruby (Ρουμπίνι): Precious gem (Girl)
- Topaz (TOH-paz) and Sapphire (SAF-eyer)
- Topaz (Τοπάζιος): Gemstone (Boy)
- Sapphire (Σαπφείρος): Precious gem (Girl)
Seasonal Theme:
- Theros (THAY-ros) and Antheia (ahn-THEE-ah)
- Theros (Θερός): Summer (Boy)
- Antheia (Ἀνθεία): Flower-like (Girl)
- Erevna (eh-REV-nah) and Kheimon (KHEE-mon)
- Erevna (Έρευνα): Autumn (Girl)
- Kheimon (Χειμών): Winter (Boy)
- Thalassa (thah-LAH-sah) and Astra (AH-strah)
- Thalassa (Θάλασσα): Sea (Girl)
- Astra (Άστρα): Star (Boy)
Music Theme:
- Lyric (LEER-ik) and Melody (MEHL-uh-dee)
- Lyric (Λυρικός): Song-like (Boy)
- Melody (Μελωδία): Musical tune (Girl)
- Harmony (HAHR-muh-nee) and Cadence (KAY-dens)
- Harmony (Αρμονία): Musical harmony (Girl)
- Cadence (Καδάντζα): Rhythmic flow (Boy)
Space Theme:
- Orion (oh-RYE-ahn) and Stella (STEL-lah)
- Orion (Ωρίων): Constellation (Boy)
- Stella (Στέλλα): Star (Girl)
- Atlas (AHT-lahs) and Luna (LOO-nah)
- Atlas (Άτλας): Bearer of the heavens (Boy)
- Luna (Λουνα): Moon (Girl)
- Cosmos (KOZ-mos) and Nova (NOH-vah)
- Cosmos (Κόσμος): Universe (Boy)
- Nova (Νόβα): New star (Girl)
Short and Sweet Greek Twin Boy and Girl Names

- Alex (AH-leks) and Lexa (LEH-khah)
- Alex (Άλεξ): Defender of mankind (Boy)
- Lexa (Λέξα): Protector (Girl)
- Ari (AH-ree) and Kari (KAH-ree)
- Ari (Αρί): Lion (Boy)
- Kari (Κάρι): Pure (Girl)
- Ari (AH-ree) and Mari (MAH-ree)
- Ari (Αρί): Lion (Boy)
- Mari (Μαρί): From the sea (Girl)
- Leo (LEH-oh) and Cleo (KLEE-oh)
- Leo (Λέων): Lion (Boy)
- Cleo (Κλειώ): Glory (Girl)
- Leo (LEH-oh) and Lia (LEE-ah)
- Leo (Λέων): Lion (Boy)
- Lia (Λία): Glad tidings, weary (Girl)
- Leo (LEH-oh) and Neo (NEH-oh)
- Leo (Λέων): Lion (Boy)
- Neo (Νέος): New, young (Girl)
- Leo (LEH-oh) and Zoe (ZOH-ee)
- Leo (Λέων): Lion (Boy)
- Zoe (Ζωή): Life (Girl)
- Max (MAHKS) and Jax (JAHKS)
- Max (Μαξ): Greatest (Boy)
- Jax (Τζαξ): Variant of Jack (Girl)
- Max (MAHKS) and Pax (PAHKS)
- Max (Μαξ): Greatest (Boy)
- Pax (Παξ): Peace (Girl)
- Theo (THEE-oh) and Cleo (KLEE-oh)
- Theo (Θεός): God (Boy)
- Cleo (Κλειώ): Glory (Girl)
- Theo (THEE-oh) and Leo (LEH-oh)
- Theo (Θεός): God (Boy)
- Leo (Λέων): Lion (Girl)
- Theo (THEE-oh) and Zoe (ZOH-ee)
- Theo (Θεός): God (Boy)
- Zoe (Ζωή): Life (Girl)
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